Monday, November 29, 2010

How Jesus became the Christ

Became the Christ? Heresy! How dare this son of a bitch write this! He is going right to hell! Don't you now Jesus is your Lord God who descended from heaven and became a human! You do realize that you must pay for this? In Hell! He is Word incarnate! Blah blah!

yes, yes yes...we know Mr. Bible Belt Evangelical Nut Case. Calm down before you read this. I never said Jesus was not the Son of God in my earlier posts. And no one can accuse me of saying that Jesus was not God.  So here goes the story of how Jesus became the Christ.

Now God could have sent a thousand Christs if he wanted to. Literally a thousand individuals who were perfect, pure, and all the Son of God. But why didn't he? And why would he send the Son at such a bizarre time? What about all the other times?

God the Son ascends and descends from the Father. That's right! The Son eternally begats from the bosom of the Father and through the Mother (Holy Spirit) He is incarnated. Now I will write about Buddha and Krishna later. But on this post is about God the Son incarnating in the Man named Jesus.

Israel and the West-

Jesus probably had the most difficult job compared to Buddha and Krishna. Jesus had to work with different groups and deal with the zealous/jealous god created by his own people. And he had to deal with the ignorance, self-indulgence of the Roman Empire. He also needed to undo the error of the Adam in Genesis which was around this particular area of the world. The Adam in Genesis, is the great ancestor of the Abrahamic line. It was one of the five Adams projected into the Earth. There was the Adam/Eve of the Red race, the Adam/Eve of the Brown race, the Adam/Eve of the White race, the Adam/Eve of the Yellow Race, and the Adam and Eve of the black race. I am not sure which one Jesus was, but he was one of the Adams of the five races. Because as much as a soul lives under karma, they can live under grace. But the karma is suspended due to the entity's life plan on the Other Side.

The Abrahamic line was chosen by God. What is so magnificiant is that Israel is smack damb in the middle of East and West. It is where the Genesis Adam and Eve lived not too far off. Thus the soul we will know later as Jesus shared his blissful life with his wife Eve in their past incarnations. We will call him the "Logos soul" for now. Israel is the place where all spiritual paths meet East and West. Where Eastern Mysticism and Western Reasoning becoming one in the Jewish Messiah- Jesus.

Way after the Fall, it all starts with the 7 Covenants. They are the 7 spiritual levels of the human body. The first Covenant was between Adam and God, ironically centered at the first chakra which is the sex organs. Ironically the original sin according to Roman Catholicism. But! There is no sin, only error. What happened was that the Adam/Eve race who were incarnations of God the Son (divine consciousness), misused the first chakra, the sexual energy. Whatever this was, it was an error due to their higher nature. Thus the serpent, the self, the sexual force are all one. They represent the same. The Tree is the soul, Adam is reason, Eve is feeling, and the Serpent is the self that falls to the ground and becomes what kids? EARTHBOUND! Thus the cycle of reincarnation begins for all humanity. Reincarnation began with first generation  of incarnate souls called "The Adamic Race" who misused the first chakra/sexual force. So the Earth and it's laws are bound to reincarnation.

Now Mankind lives through Reincarnation: The soul is bound to reincarnate to fulfill it's purpose before entering the higher realms.

Anyway- God makes us into children to grow up into adults. That is Christhood also known as "spiritual adulthood". And after Adam the next five Covenants swing upward before it reaches the seventh. The seventh chakra is Christhood or "Christ Consciousness". And so the seventh and everlasting New Covenant was given to the early Christians by the one who incarnated the Christ Consciousness. God gave us free will to be whatever we wished. Sure we were all Sons of God in the beginning. But we all must re-attain our birthright if we choose to be his sons. It is all choice.

So how did Jesus become Christ?

Previous Incarnations of the Christ

Adam Kadom- the symbolic first parent(s). In the first people, there dwelt Adam (reason) and Eve (feeling). The serpent was the "sex force", and the Tree was the Soul. The sex force, desire itself tempted reason and through feeling (which is produced by the spinal cord which is the serpent's body) caused reason to fall from God. Thus the first humans (Adam and Eve) were the first incarnations of the Christ Consciousness, the Logos, God the Son. And the first generation of humanity failed and the Divine Reason fell from man. Man lost his position in the Trinity.

Master Thoth-  The Christ in the ancient world was far more present and accessible. Thoth also known as Enoch was born as a great grandfather of Noah, but escapes physical death. His name is also Enoch in  Genesis. And he even escapes physical death and transcends his consciousness to the spiritual world. He sees a vision of the "Messiah"  What was the true vision he received? That one would ascend from his same consciousness and become The Christ to save the ages. Throughout his life he was able to help construct the Egyptian world and is seen by the Egyptians as the God-Man. Thoth was spiritually advanced and his name was :"The Logos". He created medicine, philosphy, religion, moral code, social living, mathematics, science and much more. He is aslo called Hermes by the Greeks, the messenger of the gods. To the Celtics as Merlin.   Enoch, Merlin, Thoth, and Hermes are the same soul, the same person, different names. He was a fully embodied the divine and human natures. He became the deathless one in his time and meditating between  The One God and mankind. He remained deathless in his yoga "yoke/union" with God. This is because he was fully associated with the Christ Consciousness.

Melchizedek- Through Melchizedek, God makes the promise with Abraham. Melchizedek enjoyed his bliss with God and created the Eternal Priesthood. This the Christhood. He didn't have to be born and he couldn't die. He was deathless, self-produced, God the Son before Abraham's eyes! He could materialize and dematerialize.Melchizedek was a divine soul who was a fully manifestation of God the Son.

The Lives of the Jesus Soul:

Why is it in  Roman Catholicism one must go through the Virgin Mother to get to Jesus Christ? This is because until one goes through the Divine Mother Goddess, (Holy Ghost) then can one attain Christ Consciousness. And not until a soul is born through the channels of a mother can they attain and manifest the Christ Consciousness in the earth. These are all relative. Cosmic Example: Soul must be born again through Holy Ghost to attain Christ Consciousness. Collective Exampe- Soul must be born again through a mother to attain the Sonship. Personal Example: Jesus was born through a virgin mother to manifest the his divine Sonship.

Joseph- the Jesus soul became human flesh as Joseph. The firstborn of Jacob. Joseph's entire life is an early pattern for his later life as Jesus. Joseph learns forgiveness and loving one another equally thus associating to the Law of Grace, when in those times Man only knew the Law of Karma. The Law of Grace was unheard of in those days. But Joseph was of the first to forgive his enemies and express grace even when he became the Prince of Egypt. Through his trials and tribulations he shows his brothers and sisters how to forgive and overcome.

Joshua- Coming again as the son of Nun, as Joshua he continued his journey as the one who would lead the Hebrew People over the Jordan. Joshua succeeded and even surpassed Moses. Moses was Joshua's first guru or master at the time but Moses passed on the mantle. Joshua was able to do even more after Moses. Moses ordaining Joshua at the Jordan River will be how the Kingdom of God shall flow to man. It is this river that the initiation of the kingdom shall come to pass. For the river symbolizes the ascent into consciousness. And Joshua renews the Covenant with God once again. Joshua succeeds Moses as the Deliver of Israel.

Elisha- he then returned, reincarnated as the disciple of Elijah his second guru/master. Elijah was the highest spiritual being walking the Earth next to Elisha. Elijah was a Master who could use the power of the Holy Ghost, our Divine Mother and conquer enemies. Elijah though operated under the Law of Karma, under revenge for God. He had 400 prophets of Baal/Belial all murdered. Possibly beheaded. Elijah could not attain yet the Christ Consciousness for he was possessed with the written law and the power of God and the ego with Karma. This can be the fault of many masters and gurus in many traditions. Elijah eventually ascended to the "Third" Heaven which was the highest plane available for souls at that time. For there are SEVEN heavens! That is from the Earth's perspective. Because already the Earth is three and the third being just above the Earth Plane. So Elijah ascended to a better place of course but he still needed to reincarnate if he wanted to attain oneness. So as Elisha, the Logos soul was obedient and completely selfless to the point that he received Elijah's mantle. His doubled spirit gave Elisha all the powers he needed and helped him surpass his master. Elisha then passed away like all men and died like all men. The Logos soul as Elisha won his liberation through the cycle of reincarnation.

Jesus the Christ- Here he came to be born of woman alone. Through the Holy Ghost (Mother God) he was conceived within the womb of his Virgin mother Mary. Thus the birth of Christ Consciousness and Jesus the Man are one and the same within the womb of Mary. Mary's acceptance, the Holy Spirit's overshadowing, and the immaculate conception certifies Jesus' Christhood. Jesus lived his life as a Man like us all but was also Christ the Son of God. Jesus was both the Son of man which is our own fallen human nature, and the Son of God our ascending divine nature. Jesus manifested the Law of Grace perfectly in the world and renewed the Covenant as everlasting, the seventh. This is the Covenant of "Christ Consciousness", the seventh Chakra of the body that actually lies outside the body. It refers to the avatar, the christhood, the God-man. Jesus was the first in flesh to be wholly God and wholly Man at the same time. Never since the time of Adam, was the Christ Consciousness fully incarnate in Man until Jesus. Jesus erases the first Adam's failure. Adam was meant to go beyond Christ Consciousness and indwell within the Father (Cosmic Consciousness). Jesus did this through his death, resurrection, and ascension wiping away the original separation created by the first God-Man.

John the Baptist's Karma:
*Remember that Elijah returned as John the Baptist. And the 400 prophets of Baal he killed later had revenge on Elijah as King Herod and Herod had John the Baptist beheaded. For Jesus increased and John decreased. John was Jesus' guru or master in a past life. But the roles switched because Jesus is the one who attained Christhood. But Elijah took the role of John to learn humility and finally receive his karma by beheading. John later became Christened after death when he appeared next to Jesus at the Transfiguration. At that time Moses and Elijah were in oneness with God as they passed through the spiritual realms* 

Jesus' Sacrifice

So why did Jesus die? Jesus decided to take on the sins or "bad karma" of his Apostles' betrayal and abandonment. Because he was the Son of God he was able to take on their karma.

For Satan is the cosmic force of accusation and outward manifestation, it found Jesus the pure and perfect Son of God stained with his Apostles' sin/karma.

Of course the price was death. Jesus was betrayed by his own. He was put on trial before the Pharisees (those who worked out the wheels of Karma, who basically sleep with Satan for power). Jesus was then given up to the Pharisees. Here Jesus took on the bad karma of the Pharisees who hated him. He took on their sins. Jesus was convicted of blasphemy and death by crucifixion for no man can claim oneness with God. He was then given up to the Roman Empire and allowed the accusations. Jesus then took on the Sin of Rome, the sins of the Roman Empire. For Babylon was gobbling up the Son of God. Satan in the very beginning tried to stop or consume God the Son from entering the Earth (When souls first incarnated as the Adamic Race)  but was stopped by the herald of angels led by Michael and those souls who tried to destroy the Adamic race within were destined to reap what they sowed in karma and through reincarnation- "Earthbound". How would the Son of God be saved now as he was fully manifested in the Man Jesus? Michael can not come to stop the impending karma. For it was Jesus himself who took on the Karma of his own People. Jesus would destroy Satan and self within.

Jesus was then whipped and beaten. Shards of his flesh were torn from his body. The scourging of his flesh was the pain that God felt when souls separated from his Body in the beginning. Jesus felt the loneliness of God who earns for souls to come back to him. So did Jesus feel the loneliness, the separation from our Father. Jesus was then crowned with thorns. When the Roman jammed the thorns through his head it pierced the pineal gland. Jesus began to lose communication with the Father in the body. Jesus could not reach out to God. His pineal gland was pierced and his body was stripped and beaten. Jesus then carried his Cross, or the Cross of the Hebrew People. They cursed him, spat at him, and damned him. But he made sure that NO karma would affect them. He took on their karma when he said- "Father, please forgive them for they not know what they do!" Jesus forgave them all and no karma affected the Jewish People for this. If Jesus operated under the law of karma, they would have all been destroyed by the hand of God- similar to Atlantis. That part of the world would have been destroyed. But Jesus was taking on the sins of many (Roman Empire, the Pharisees, and Apostles).

*Remember-Man has five points like the five pointed star. The five pointed star of Wicca, Hinduism, etc is the Star of the Christ Consciousness. It was the star that the Magi had seen for they were ascending masters. It is the Star within the forehead! The Third Eye idiots!*

And so his hands, feet, and head were pierced. Jesus lost all communication with God on the Cross. His pineal gland was destroyed, his hands and feet were crushed, and his body was exhausted losing oxygen. And the way the Yogi ascends into higher consciousness is through the Spiritual Science known as Kriya Yoga which enables the person to raise up their kundalini. It is a practice in breathing and consuming oxygen. What some call- "receiving food from the Mouth of God". Jesus on the Cross could not receive food from the mouth of God. Eventually he lost all his oxygen and energy and in his last moments he called out to the Father and to Elijah who was his past master- "'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' that is,  'My God, My God why have You forsaken Me" The Pharisees said amongst themselves that he was calling for Elijah to save him. Jesus felt the complete separation between Man and God at the moment. And he cried for Elijah. And then he said It is Finished, and Jesus passed on. After this he was taken from the Cross and placed within a tomb. Within three days, Jesus resurrected. Jesus rejuvenated the atomic particles of the body, a body drained of all blood and water, and awoken with a transcendental body.

What was man's undoing in the beginning resulted in Reincarnation. Jesus' obedience and sacrifice resulted in Resurrection!

The radiation of Jesus' resurrection from the atomic particles left an imprint. Which we now have the Shroud of Turin! Jesus was now able to materialize, dematerialize, and do all things at will. For his will was so one with the Father's, that Jesus is identified with God the Son. Jesus the soul is fully identified with the omnipresent Christ Consciousness.

What happened after the Resurrection?

For he was Christ from birth and even unto death. He was fully obedient, fully the Christ, he went onto the next step. There is another step after Christhood? Yes. And he is the first and only to reach it. Thank God we have all eternity to work this out for ourselves unless you guys rather hang out with Satan! Anyways- he overcame self, physical death, spiritual death, Satan, and hell. Jesus descended into the lower astral realms during his sleep for three days. Jesus opened the path for the lower spirits to find release through the Christ. Not until a human being, a soul entity fully manifested the Christ Consciousness, could the Christ actually come as an Individual! And this was as Jesus. For the Son in the Trinity is not a person until it finds the soul-entity to manifest. The soul must be fully Christ-conscious and fully their own self to be the Son. This is how an entity retains oneness with God and is at the same time a separate entity from God. After bringing salvation to the lower astral souls, Jesus resurrected and so on. But Jesus Christ could not stay any longer. He  needed to move on. For the Holy Spirit needed to come. Jesus told his Apostles he will send for the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, our Mother! Jesus then ascended into Heaven. He ascended to the highest heaven. Jesus Christ iss fully identified with the Christ Consciousness (God the Son) that he himself now lies within the bosom of the Father (Cosmic Consciousness). Jesus now had the ability to aid with the Divine Mother, our Mother Goddess to save humanity. The Divine Mother shed her spiritual light and vibration unto the Apostles and began to dwell within them to help them attain Christ Consciousness.

Jesus was a son of God, the Son of God, God the Son in flesh, and God's beloved Son.

Why so many lovely names? Well we are  all sons of God like Jesus. Created in the same image. But we do not all have the Son of God/God the Son awaken within us, that divine consciousness of the Father. But we all can. And Jesus was God's beloved Son? For humanity has had many sons/messengers. But Jesus throughout all his lives demonstrated child-likeness. He was a son in every lifetime and fully obedient. Jesus was God's favorite on the Earth, his favorite physical Man. Thus Jesus in his previous lives was chosen to be the Christ for the world, the Christ who would shed his blood for many, who would erase the first Adam's mistake, who would reconnect the Christ Consciousness within Man.

Now there are those made in Jesus' pattern who have become Sons of God- St. Francis, St Anthony, St. Theresa of Avila, Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahayasa, Therese Nuemann, Padre Pio, Yogananda, and many others. And there are those before Jesus, where the Spirit of Christ worked through Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Melchizedek, Thoth, and many others.

1. Adam (God the Son) 

Thoth/Enoch the Initiate

Melchizedek the High Priest

Abraham the father of Israel

Moses the deliver of the Jews

Guatma Buddha the man who reached enlightenment

Elijah the greatest of all the prophets

2. Jesus the Christ (God the Son)

Mahavatar Babaji  the deathless guru

St. Francis the Stigmatic

St. Anthony

St. Theresa Avila

Therese Nuemann the Stigmatic

Padre Pio the Stigmatic

Lahiri Mahayasa the Christ-like guru

Sri Yukteswar a Christ-like Guru

Paramhansa Yogananda the last of Gurus

This is the Kingdom, the Church that Jesus built. The one built on Christ Consciousness. Not built by any denomination, but built through the spiritual Church,  the spiritual Body of Christ. For we are all portions of the Christ Consciousness, let us all work to return to It and become part of It's Body, as One Nation, One God, One Christ, One Spirit.

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