Monday, November 29, 2010

God and Creation

You have the Bible, the Bhagvad Gita, the Koran, and a whole host of books you can pull out from the arse and start reading verbatim. That is all wonderful and all, but what does it all mean? How can we describe God? how can we describe creation, Man, the spiritual world, and everything else? Well, here. I will show you.

Before the Beginning (What?!) 

Before anything was, there was just One. The One and only One. All was One. The One began to move within, and Mind was awoken. The One built the mind, and the One in it's movement began to push into Two. The One always REMAINS One. "Remember, Israel, the Lord thy God is One!" But within the One was Two. Two? What the hell are you talking about? Well the One became unmanifest and manifest. How is that possible? It is God! The One Unmanifest is our Father God who is Transcendent and beyond time/space. The One manifested is our Mother Goddess, who is immanent and within all time and space. Here we have it. Father God and Mother Goddess as The One. The One is one will, one consciousness, one awareness, one being. This is the I AM. I AM that I AM is the One and is the Father and Mother. And then the Father and Mother moved within Self as ONE, and brought forth the Third. Now there was Three. The Third was the Son. The Son was eternally begotten by the Father, but eternally birthed by the Mother. The Father who is The Cosmic Consciousness and the Mother who is the Holy Vibration/Energy (Later Holy spirit in Catholicism), bring the offspring or "reflected image" which is the Son who is The Christ Consciousness. The Son (Christ consciousness) reflects the Father (Cosmic Consciousness), and the Mother is in between as the main doer, the most active part of God who leads us to Her Son, and brings us within Her Husband (Father).

This is All Nice and All, but what about Us? Where the hell do we come in? 

The Christ Consciousness which is the Son is omnipresent, centered everywhere, and universal just as the Father and Mother. But! The Christ Consciousness is that oneness between the individual and God. So you know what that means?! When our Father/Mother beget the Christ Consciousness, they subsequently begat trillions and trillions of spirits. Individual spirits all sparks of God. These are the sons/daughters of the One. All portions of the Christ Consciousness, individualized selves of the Son. That is right. The Son just like God has so single individualization, but Many. All of us, these spirits were all in the oneness of God. The only consciousness was the Christ/Logos. And no other. This is the Divine Love. That is the oneness! That is the Christ! The Divine Love within all things. Divine Love is our Savior! Our Cosmic or Macrocosm Savior is the Christ Consciousness.

So what happened to us all when we are just pure spirit? 

Spirits we given by God the opportunity to dwell in the material world created by Our Mother. The material world was a place to visit. It was meant for spirits or later souls to enter and experience the material world and its wonders.  And so the first spirit to eject from the womb of the Mother and leave the Body of the Father was later to be known as Jesus of Nazareth. When the Bible says- "God said let there be light", it refers both to the Christ Consciousness begotten, and the soul of Christ, the first to enter the Material Universe. The first entity to enter this Material World was our Elder Brother, the Spiritual Guide of Mankind. This soul which has been named The Logos in the Bible, Amilius by Edgar Cayce, and several other things helped other souls enter the material universe. As the sons and daughters of God populated the material universe as transcendent beings some went the other way.

So this is the Fall?

The Fall of the Angels was actually the fall of souls/spirits who not only entered the material universe but actually became caught and enmeshed within it. They became part of the Animals,. part of wildlife, the sea life, the Tree life, etc. This is where the collective unconsciousness of animalistic behavior is prevalent in Man. This behavior/pattern of self-centeredness/gratification pushes him away from God. And so souls were lost and became the Sons of the Earth. Where as the Sons of God stayed at-one with God. The Sons of God needed to save the race of the Earth. And so the Logos soul who  was the first to lead all other Sons into this world communed with God. God the Father, Mother, and the Logos/Amilius created the physical body endowed with seven chakras for Man to release himself and a third eye to have inner-communion with God. And so many souls were rejuvanated and brought back to awareness after the Fall, or we should say the "first" Fall. Then all Sons of God souls and even the Sons of Earth who fell all entered the Adamic Bodies prepared for them. And so Adam and Eve referred to the First Generation of millions of incarnate souls, and to two individuals. Amilius/Logos through his thought form of the physical vehicle manifested through God the Man-body. As God's prototype soul, the Logos entered the first physical body. He became as Adam in Genesis. Adam then brought his twin soul Eve into incarnation. And so the Christ soul saved man once as a spiritual being when we were all spiritual beings but creating/fashioning Man.

And so we had the once fallen souls in perfect bodies and the ever divine souls in the bodies. The human race flourished as a divine community able to communicate and commune with the Higher Forces on a daily basis. 
But not all souls are so easily changed. Now that Man found his forever way of reincarnating, many souls began abusing the physical vehicle. Many became worshipers of self, even the divine ones fell. Across the world, Man was falling from grace everywhere. Adam and Eve had seen that this was the next Fall. All these souls were following self and separating from God in the human body. Adam was also tempted by other "adams" and "eves" at that time. Adam gave into selfishness as well. Why? What?! Jesus sinned at one time?! All have! If you want the baby to grow up and become an adult and hopefully a king/ruler he must first fall flat on his faith and grow into the king. The Logos soul as Adam volunteered to be led in the ways of selfishness. Thus Adam fell from God. The divine grace bestowed on the human race was lost. The Law of Karma now dominated the Earth. Death now became a fearful enemy where Man forgot that life continues after the body decays. Death is the greatest enemy of all. Death is the offspring of self. And so the Logos soul wandered with Eve and lost his consciousness with God.

What did Jesus do?!

The Logos soul then went about to reincarnate to attain perfection. Now did the Logos soul attain perfection? He then became Enoch or called by some Master Thoth/Hermes. As Enoch/Thoth he transcended physical death and became what we would call "an ascended master". And then he became Melchizedek, a transcendent soul who could pass through time and space, materialize, dematerialize, and became "perfected". He became perfected as Melchizedek. But in the "Kundalini" process of Kriya Yoda there are several stages. One of the first is "perfected being" which He did as Melchizedek.

To Be Continued...

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