Many religious or spiritual individuals will tell you on an on that they believe in "energy", "tarot card reading", trance readings, cold readings, psychics, mediums, and then go on with their religious beliefs either Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, or what have you.
Sorry but this does not make you a spiritual person! It just makes you open minded to the Other Side, to the occult, to the hidden secrets that religions shun.
All of these things are good qualities. Tarot Cards help the reader understand archetypes and reach out to the other person, opening up their Third Eye. This is the path of the Seer. Many psychics have gone through this path of developing their Third Eye. And it helps the client open up to the Other Side. yes. This is all good and grammy crackers, but doesn't mean you are "spiritual"
Go outside, to any city- What do you See? Materialism. We are all tempted by it, either in obsessive eating, obsessive buying, obsessive sex, obsessive anything. Materialization keeps things outward and pushed away from the Other Side. So if you truly want to be a "spiritual" person try avoiding this attraction, this pull to the outward world. Try thinking about God, the Supreme Being everyday, try to think about the world's potential to becoming enlightened. Thinking about God and what He/She is and His oneness provides us with the mental pattern we need. Of course we all stumble along the way either in temptation or karma, but we need to be thinking about God as much as we think about next week's meeting. A conscious effort to even ponder his small brush stroke of the star. Yes, small! The stars in this Universe are nothing compared to the stars of the other universes formed out His being. More and more conscious we are of the spiritual activities, the more we can become a spiritual humanity.
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